Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Community Development Block Grant


The “Community Development Block Grant” was enacted in 1974 under the Housing and Community Development Act and is one of the longest continuously run programs at HUD. Now in its 40th anniversary, CDGB continues to provide local governments with funding to address a wide range of unique community development needs, principally for low and moderate – income persons. Tell us what priorities the City Of Hartford failed to address in your neighborhood.

The Year Four Annual Action Plan identifies community development priority needs, objectives and activities that will continue to promote a city of growth and opportunity with an emphasis on creating a suitable living environment, providing decent affordable housing, and creating economic opportunities for Hartford’s low and moderate income residents.

If we look at allocations you will see that nothing is being allocated to the North End of Hartford.

 Who will help to?
·        Provide decent, safe and sanitary housing in North Hartford

Who will help to?
·        Provide  a suitable living environment in North Hartford

Who will help to?
·        Expand economic opportunities in North Hartford

The City of Hartford will submit its Four Year annual action plan to the U.S. Department of housing and Urban Development (HUD) on or around June 30, 2014.
If you take a look at the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) you will see that North Hartford has yet to receive any help or services. The 5th district is one of the poorest districts in the City of Hartford, yet, no one has set any precedence to help promote growth or opportunity.

Join your friends and neighbors to hold a community conversation about how the City of Hartford created contagious housing for the last 40 years in the North end of Hartford.   

 If The CDBG program works to ensure:
●Decent, affordable housing- providing a suitable living environment

o   Housing rehabilitation loans

o   Free repairs for the elderly and disabled

o   Acquisition of land for housing development

●Provide services to the most vulnerable members of our communities
o   Youth Programming –after school, activities during school vacations

o   Social Services – court representation for abused or neglected children, assistance for those coming out of prison, meals for seniors, truancy court prevention

o   Skills/job training – workplace skills training , literacy, basic education for immigrant groups

o   Housing counseling – first time home buyers , landlord-tenant issues

●Expand economic opportunities by creating jobs through expansion and retention of businesses

o   Small business technical assistance , counseling , training and loans

o   Grants for business development in the creative economy

Summary of HUD –Funded programs

Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS Program (HOPWA)

HOPWA 2013-14 Allocation from Federal Government to City of Hartford- $1.08 million

 The only Federal program dedicated to the housing needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. Under the HOPWA program, HUD through the City of Hartford award grants to local non-profit organizations for projects that benefit low-income person medically diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and their families.

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

ESG 2013-2014 Allocation from Federal Government to City of Hartford - $ 286,000

Program assists individuals and families quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. City funds are used for supporting Emergency Shelter operations and services for the residents; and homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance.

HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)

HOME 2013-2014 Allocation from Federal Government to City of Hartford- $ 1.54 million.
HOME is the largest Federal block grant to State and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low income households.

Martha Hood PhD

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