Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Belly of the Beast

Can you hear it” The stench of homicide and poverty is calling to be recognized among Black and Latino families of color in every urban city throughout the state of Connecticut. Newtown, Connecticut is not the only neighborhood affected by gun violence.   

Gun laws will not stop poverty or crazy.

There is a beast roaming the impoverished Cities of Connecticut. “Any Man that does not work shall not eat”.  Do you hear it being goaded by crime, political, religious and social corruption? Thousands of residents living in Hartford, Connecticut are hooked on marijuana, crack, heroin and other chemicals. Men possessed by poverty are taking the lives of men, women, and little children. Prostitutes, homosexuals and drug addicts share AIDS with the innocent.  Social media has kept me informed that “between the ages of 5 and 14 the average child living in Hartford has been a witness to the violent destruction of poverty and homicide “. Poverty has sprung up like a wild flower in every city garden. 

The City of Hartford , The State Of Connecticut and The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; created “Contagious Housing” at this  present date they  fail to protect  housing as a human right. To take advantage of laws that suppress the human rights of impoverished residents is a violation of civil liberties.  The City trembles. Mothers scream harshly, fathers vow retaliation terrified struggling people, line the street together as City leaders pronounce that hundreds of youth have perished in Hartford, Connecticut.  The unfortunate give groans of despair as they bury children, in greater numbers. The oppressed and persecuted from all districts have looked to elected officials with fear in their eyes.

The shifting of moral values and opposition in times of need have been replaced with gunshots. Political and religious corruption has caused the people to become livid with resentment. Something’s happening in the City of Hartford, Something strange. Have you noticed the Homicide effect? Crime doubles every year in Blood-soaked districts. Religious leaders are in the pulpit saying “Turn back to God; it’s the only way we can improve our sorry circumstances”. “If Christians unite we can do anything”.  Political leaders quote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to encourage impoverished residents to pull themselves up by the boot straps and vote for change with democracy. 

Let me say something now that’s very important. You see, the reason I am speaking strongly against the gate keepers, Educators, and CEO’s of color. They have no Love for the citizen living in the belly of the beast.   Listen to this- when it’s a question of life and death to the one it loves, no one needs to experience the awful fate of following behind any leader whose message of empowerment and encouragement is fraudulent.

 It all starts at City Hall a “Brain Trust” built on past and present ethnic and economic disparities; created by the City of Hartford and maintained by The State of Connecticut. Get ready for a shock. You’re going to go behind the scenes and see devastating things that are happening in the City of Hartford. It’s no surprise that one of the leading causes of poverty is corruption among elected officials.  

Whose responsibility is it to tell the truth? The truth will set you free, yet we have been lied to continuously by a Government whose Historians have recorded and woven in a Constitution built on the institution of freedom, justice and liberty for all, What was once a linked between freedom and equality has been paved with lies and failed the societal needs of its average citizen. There is no longer a fork in the road that leads to economic independence for any citizen of the United States; unless you utilize the Constitution as a remedy to support the notion that all people are equal in the eyes of the law. This belief system consists of many shortcuts utilized by the forefathers of a dominant race to suppress people of color.

 There has been no emancipation in the division of classes… to be poor is to be disgraced no matter what gender or nationality you are considered a second class citizen.

 14th Amendment
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction there of, are citizens of the United States and of the State where in they reside”
“Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”
“Nor [shall any state] deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”
No descendant of Slavery has received and inheritance from their forefathers.  Neither has any American of color, no immigrant of color has received and inheritance from their forefathers. No citizen of color living or dwelling in the City of Hartford has been giving anything. Put your fingers together. Are they touching? Everyone that I have come in contact within the last 24 months is broken as a result of the lack of economic development in the City of Hartford.

The Newtown shooting attack took the lives of 6 adults and 20 young children a year ago.  The State of Connecticut has rallied around the families to offer them love and support. In addition to building play escapes in the children’s memory; trust funds, marathon runs and monetary support to anyone who was on hand that tragic day a year ago in New town Connecticut.

I was there, two years ago and I was a witness to the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.  Breaking news!! Breaking News!! Shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut; visions of paramedics, firemen and police carrying tiny bodies invades my thoughts every day.  The Governor provided support and empathy to the families waiting to find out if their child was a victim. Every channel covered the shooting.  All day everyday for the last year I have heard thousands of sound bites about the Sandy Hook shooting attack. I have seen the bodies, the parents; the report on the shooter, Social media has told us all about how this gun violence affected a suburban community.

Every day I am a witness or second hand witness to homicide and the effects it has on the people of color living in North Hartford Connecticut. I have witnessed over 15 of my school class mates bury their children. I have witnessed over 30 of my class mates be buried by their parents. Only 10 of the 45 died of natural causes.  Homicide is the number one killer in my neighborhood. It is the leading cause of babies being buried as the result of neglect and abuse. Hartford elected official’s local and Federal continue to ignore the problem with no name.

 Currently I have been diagnosed with Post traumatic stress; secondary to being a witness to the Sandy Hook shootings....

However past and present gatekeepers have failed to guarantees the rights of impoverished citizens living or dwelling in the State of Connecticut.  “The guiding principle in human rights should be freedom”. All Individuals have human rights, and no other person and no government should be allowed to take away those rights. The government prescribed the Declaration of Independence and has failed to fill the prescription. Most of us live on the edge of poverty in a State that sing its own praises; “Hartford is where it’s at?”  That sound bite is uncalled-for. Hartford is not where it’s at!

Ceo’s of Color have skimmed federal monies and grants for so long that they created the ethnic and economic disparities that currently exist today in all urban cities throughout the nation. Gate keepers failed to commit! They are still using the 1964 civil rights acts as a visual aid, while telling people of color to “get it the best way you can”.  Their explanation to end the War on Drugs & Poverty has created an unpleasant smell that makes your bowels grumble.

Political, Religious and Social corruption allows poverty to run rampant in every urban city throughout the country.  Decade after decade each CEO of color has dropped the “problem with no name “. The problem has a name. The Problems name is “Freedom”. It is the first cousin of poverty. Her son and daughters are victims of poverty and homicide. 

Just take a close look at  Soup kitchens, the  lines are growing longer as impoverished residents line up to eat “Stone Soup”. They are fed bowl after bowl of propaganda, cups of rhetoric filled to the brim with quotes from elected gate keepers.  
They have produced “Stone Soup”; one of the most startling things about the recipe. The kettle pot was created in 1964 and has never been washed. 

The pot has been handed down from one gate keeper to the next. Layers of ethnic and economic disparities liquefy in the bottom; Education, Housing, and economic independence no longer float to the top. Homicide and poverty; are served on the side with protest from civil officers demanding increases in pay. The city leaders know what they are doing, they intentionally refuse to comply, and alter the words of the recipe to suit their needs and desires. Pay close attention.   To save their jobs or to save their necks people compromise.

I refuse to bow down or lay in the bed with Local or Federal Welfare pimps and Political Prostitutes that door knock in penniless districts; using ethnic and economic disparities to secure the vote of insolvent workers. I refuse to compromise for “Stone Soup” that is seasoned by Political, religious or social corruption.

Sincerely yours,

Martha Hood PhD

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Belly of the Beast

Can you hear it” The stench of homicide and poverty is calling to be recognized among Black and Latino families of color in every urba...

C.S.I Hartford, Connecticut